Do caos surge a clareza.
Om Mani Padme Hum
É o que representa esta labirinto.
Algodão pintado com pigmentos naturais, a estrada principal foi bordada a fio de seda, os caminhos caóticos bordados à mão com fio de algodão. No meio têm um quartzo rosa e a parte de trás foi feita em tear circula e remanatada com crochê.
I lost my way so many times in the roads of life. But I follow through knowing that all the shortcuts and wrong roads lead to a main road, that leads to our center where the lotus flower hides.
From chaos comes clarity.
Om Mani Padme Hum
That's what this labyrinth is about.
Painted cotton cloth with natural colors, the main road was embroidered with silk thread and the chaotic paths where embroidered by machine with cotton. The back is weaved and finished with crochet.
From chaos comes clarity.
Om Mani Padme Hum
That's what this labyrinth is about.
Painted cotton cloth with natural colors, the main road was embroidered with silk thread and the chaotic paths where embroidered by machine with cotton. The back is weaved and finished with crochet.
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