incontáveis, criei e recriei padrões de folhas de outono em tricôt porque queria algo e não sabia o que era. A relação comigo e a relação com o meu companheiro estavam a desgastar-me. Mas lá fora tudo está a crescer, o meu trabalho árduo no jardim a dar frutos, a minha família com saúde, amor e amizade à minha volta e eu não entendia porque é que em vez de gratidão, tudo o que eu sentia era frustação.
Então recriei um padrão de tricôt e comecei a tricotá-lo sem ideias pré-defenidas, sem pensar em camisolas, sem pensar em resultados só pelo prazer da experiência em si. E alguma paz começou a crescer dentro de mim.
Para mim trabalho interior e trabalho exterior andam sempre sempre a par. E podia ser de outra maneira?
Last week was a very hard week. I felt a war inside me and I couldn't understand why. I did and undid my Autumn sweater so many times without getting it. It just didn't felt right, I was so frustrated with it as I was with me, my life and my relationships. If I have health, love and friendship if the hard work I'm putting in my garden is being compensated by mother nature, why was I felling frustration instead of gratitude? In despair I've decided to give up on the sweater and began to make a scratch of a pattern for one Autumn leaf, I began to knit for the sake of the experience itself without any expectations, and some peace began to arose within me, my inner child began to feel fed by the experience of creating something new, just for the fun of doing it.
So Friday i got this invitation for E.'s birthday party (I was her kindergarten teacher last year in a Steiner school in Barril do Alva called Caracol ao Sol), and I was very glad for the chance of celebrating such a special day with her and her family, at the same time I got worried because I didn't had any gift special enough for such a special child. And suddenly I looked at my knitting project and there it was an autumn headband (she wears headbands all the time) for an Autumn child. How perfect was that? I felt such a deep gratitude in my soul. It reminded me what I knew for so long, that we must trust the process and let go... I did it so many years with the personalized dolls I've created but somehow along the way I forgot how important it is to trust the process and let go of the expectations, and here I was being reminded again.
Meanwhile I've finished a book marker handspuned by me, a special gift for a very special friend.
For me inner work and outer work go always hand to hand, could it be any other way?
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